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Katalyst uses cutting-edge technology to intensify the flow of water for a showering experience that is completely indulgent. With a new nozzle pattern, internal waterway design and air-induction system this technology maximizes every water drop and creates a richer, more intense flow of water that heightens the shower's sensory experience. By infusing two liters of air per minute, Katalyst delivers a powerful, voluptuous spray that clings to the body with larger, fuller water drops. Featuring an elegant combination of curves and gentle lines, the Devonshire showerhead adds refinement to any bathroom. Its Vibrant PVD color finish options resist scratches, tarnishing and corrosion. | Optimized sprayface features a new nozzle geometry that delivers a more focused coverage of large water droplets that both minimizes wasteful overspray and increases cleaning and hair rinsing performance | Complements DEVONSHIRE Suite | MasterCleanT sprayface resists hard water build up and is easy to clean | Air-induction technology maximizes the air/water mix for a powerful, even flow

  • Model: 126353
  • Shipping Weight: 2.19lbs
  • Manufactured by: KOHLER COMPANY