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| 603 VR push-button penal valve | With 1" inlet, 1-1/2" concealed back spud (does not include through wall connection) | Includes 14" vacuum breaker | GPF 3.5 | 9-3/4" L dimension, 16" length | Quiet, concealed, diaphragm type, rough brass flushometer for either left or right hand supply with the following features: dual filtered by-pass, diaphragm, handle packing, stop seat and vacuum breaker to be molded from PERMEX™ rubber compound for chloramine resistance, metal direct acting, non-hold-open push button with triple seal handle packing, wheel handle Bak-Chek™ angle stop, adjustable tailpiece, sweat solder adapter, chrome plated exposed parts, high copper, low zinc brass castings for dezincification resistance, flush accuracy controlled by CID technology, high back pressure vacuum breaker, elbow flush connection. Valve body, cover, tailpiece and control stop shall be in conformance with ASTM alloy classification for semi-red brass. Valve shall be in compliance to the applicable sections of ASSE 1037, NSI/ASME 112.19.6, and Military Specification V-29193

  • Model: SX-0225029
  • Shipping Weight: 0.1lbs
  • Manufactured by: SLOAN VALVE COMPANY