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| Provides outside activation of narrow stile aluminum, wood or hollow metal doors that have any type of Adams Rite exit device | A continuous duty solenoid mounted to the trim enables remote activation of the locking function without unlatching the door making this trim ideal for stairwell and fire doors | Operates as specified - 24VDC | Breakaway clutching mechanism protects the locked handle from vandalism or forced entry in either direction | This also makes trim rehandable in the field | All handles share the same core components, so handles can be changed without having to replace the entire trim | Solid construction meets Grade 1 standards | Accepts any standard 1 5/32" diameter mortise cylinder with special MS® cam| Escutcheon measures approximately 2" X 8" X 1-1/8" | Finish: US26D (satin chrome)

  • Model: U022621
  • Shipping Weight: 1lbs
  • Manufactured by: ADAMS RITE