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4000 lb. holding force with mechanical mandibles engaged | Provides remote access and exit control of internal and external wood, hollow metal and aluminum doors | Designed with two hardened steel mandibles which are spring loaded to clamp on the armature in the event of a forced entry attempt | Fail-safe, but can be installed with a battery backup power supply | Low current draw for 12 to 24 Volt AC or DC | Current draw: 0.2 amps maximum | Combination magnetic and mechanical lock | Armature: Approximately 4" x 5/8" x 2" | Case: Approximately 6" x 2-3/4" x 2" deep | One piece stainless steel housing cover conceals the magnet fasteners | Separate mounting plate is included | Finish: 630 (Satin stainless steel)

  • Model: U000489
  • Shipping Weight: 5lbs
  • Manufactured by: SECURITRON